
Feeling burned out? Here are five things religious professionals can do to renew themselves this summer.

At a time when so many religious professionals are thinking of leaving their jobs, it's essential we find ways to take care of ourselves. After all, as the old...

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Stuck on what to talk about? Here are five ideas to figure out what to talk about with your spiritual companion or coach!

Meeting with your spiritual companion or coach doesn't need to be stressful. Here are five tips for figuring out what to talk about with your support team!...

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Coaching: What Is It and How Can It Help You?

One question I’m frequently asked is: what exactly is coaching? Many people, if they’ve heard the term, probably did so in the context of sports coaching....

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Considering Leaving Ministry? Here’s five things you can do to discern your next steps.

If you are among the 53% of clergy thinking about leaving the ministry, there are things you can do to figure out what your next steps are....

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Interviewed by MysticMag

I was honored to be interviewed this month by MysticMag about my philosophy on spiritual companioning and soul care. Read the interview here!...

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