Between the aftermath of COVID-19 and a changing religious landscape in much of North America and Europe, churches and other religious communities are facing unprecedented challenges. How do congregational leaders balance the budget, address church conflict, attract new members, and revitalize systems while also working their day jobs? If you are a member of a Board of Trustees, committee, or task force in your church and need someone to walk the journey with you, congregational coaching may be right for you!

You might seek congregational coaching if…

  • Your congregation is facing seemingly intractable issues that are challenging the health of the community.
  • Your community seeks guidance on staff and structural issues that haven’t evolved to meet your members’ needs.
  • A clergy member or other religious professional quit and you’re now trying to figure out what’s next.
  • Leaders in the community having conflicting visions for the congregation and you’re trying to figure out what’s next.
  • You would like someone to ask the tough questions as you set goals or create a strategic plan for your congregation.
  • Conflict is making it difficult to focus on much else in the community.
  • You seek accountability for taking action on congregational issues.

What Does It Look Like?

Congregational coaching often handles as team coaching, coaching a group of people, e.g. a Board of Trustees or a committee, rather than an individual, though individual coaching can certainly benefit your congregation. A good congregational coach starts by asking questions and helps you or your team develop a plan for action while building in a sense of accountability to your congregation’s goals.

Coaching sessions are typically an hour long and happen once a month, though we can talk about meeting more often if there’s something particularly sticky going on in your congregation. I’ll ask what you hope to get out of the coaching session and we’ll focus on that as goals for our time together. Rather than offering you advice or fixing your problems for you, I encourage you to listen to the voice inside that already knows what you need to do. By the end of each session, you will have actionable things you can do to pursue the changes you hope for in congregation.

Because of the nature of congregational coaching, I require that any clergy serving the congregation at minimum be aware and approve that a leader or team is seeking coaching.

I am available to meet online via Zoom or in-person in the Dallas/Fort Worth area.


  • Segment 1 Coach Training, Luther Seminary, 2024
  • Power Matrix Team Coaching, Summit Coaching and Behavior Consulting, 2024

Discover the benefits of coaching now by booking a FREE consultation with Rev. Chris!

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