In over a decade of working with seekers, I’ve found a number of principles that help connect, heal, and deepen the work that allows some people—people like us—connect with our deepest held values and beliefs:
First, in order to feel like you belong, you need people who accept you as you are!
- You are sacred in your identities, your journey, and your trauma. There is nothing you need to do in order to earn the love of the Divine! The Love and Mystery that permeates the universe is big enough to accept you as you are.
You need trust that the companion is compassionately and openly listening to you without trying to fix you.
- As Parker Palmer once said, ““The human soul doesn’t want to be advised or fixed or saved. It simply wants to be witnessed.” Trust is built and earned, and it is so important to know that you will be met where you are in your unique journey.
We need time to discern the twist and turns our journeys take.
- It took a lifetime to get to where we are now. It would be unreasonable to think that we can emerge on a new path overnight. The work of belief and values clarification takes time, patience, and an openness to playful creativity to find our own unique paths.
Finally, we a commitment to keep noticing how the sacred is moving in our lives.
- The time in between sessions is a rich opportunity for noticing what is moving in us and in the world. This work is a commitment to taking the time to be open to the way spirit is present in our lives.
Ready to get started? I invite you to schedule a FREE one hour consultation with me! Use the calendar below to find a time that works for you!
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