What is Movement Chaplaincy?
We live in a world in transition. Globally, many people are involved in justice movements that seek to create a more just, compassionate, and loving world, striving to uproot systems of oppression and marginalization and replace them with Beloved Community that recognizes that makes root for everyone. While this work is vital to our world, it can also be thankless, as well as physically, emotionally, and spiritually draining, and, if left untreated, can lead to burnout and emotional crisis.
Movement chaplaincy is an emerging form of pastoral care that recognizes the need to accompany those on the frontlines of change movements. Movement chaplains seek to provide a ministry of presence to activists and organizers, to help restore balance in times of turmoil, to celebrate the victories and mourn defeats as we learn to press on together, and to take care of ourselves so we can adequately take care of others.
WhY Contact a Movement Chaplain?
As a movement chaplain, I provide accompaniment — spiritual, emotional, relational and practical wholistic care — to those in social change events, organizations, and movements. This is done on the ground during social actions and protests as well as by consulting with organizations and activists engages in justice work. No matter your faith — or lack thereof — I will meet you where you are spiritually and help you connect your activism with your deep sense of meaning and purpose.
I am available to provide individual or group pastoral care, lead community rituals, and hold circles with your justice community. The goal is always to meet you where you are: I will never try to change your religious beliefs, but will hold the space for you to process emotional and spiritual trauma and pain with a respect for your beliefs.
What Training Did You Get to Be a Movement Chaplain?
As a justice organizer and activist myself, I intimately understand the importance of care in the midst of justice work. In addition to the extensive pastoral care training I received as a fellowshipped Unitarian Universalist minister, I also completed the Daring Compassion Movement Chaplaincy Training from the Faith Matters Network and am in relationship with other movement chaplains around the United States.
To find out if movement chaplaincy is right for you or your organization, book a free consultation with Rev. Chris!