Do any of this images resonate with you?
- You were deeply involved with religious or spiritual community and you find that your former beliefs just don’t resonate anymore. You find yourself deconstructing and reimagining your deepest held values and beliefs and don’t know where to turn for guidance.
- You are a member of the LGBTQIA+ community who doesn’t feel at home in religious community. Despite the prejudice and rejection of other people, you’re seeking a deep sense of belonging that you’re not finding in any of the communities you visit.
- You’re a member of the polyamorous, ethical nonmonagmous, or kink community who feels left out by traditional spiritual and religious communities. You find it difficult to bring your full self to spiritual community without feeling judged.
- You’re a person with diverse mental experiences who is often misunderstood when you try to talk about your mental, emotional, and spiritual experiences. You want to integrate your experiences into your spirituality but feel judged when you express your truth.
- You experienced spiritual abuse in the past and have trouble trusting that you won’t be mistreated in spiritual communities today. You feel angry and sad by the way your religion and spirituality was used to hurt you and you are looking for ways to heal and find an authentic sense of spirituality.
- You feel a deep yearning for the sacred in nature. You sense that there’s more to this world than meets the eye and would like to find ways to connect with a sense of Mystery and something larger than yourself in the wider world.
- You have trouble finding spiritual community where you feel you belong. You try and try and even stay in communities for some time hoping to find a place where you’re truly seen for who you are but, no matter how much you hope you’ve finally reached the end of your search.
You may be drawn to work with me if you…
- …believe your identity need not interfere with your spiritual journey.
- …recognize that the sacred can be found in many parts of your life.
- …seek to really go deep and do your own work in clarifying your own values and beliefs.
- …aren’t looking for me to give you easy answers but understand that you will have to put in the work to find what’s important to you.
If so, I feel confident that I can help you find a deeper sense of the sacred in your life and find clarity in your own values and beliefs.
Let’s get started with a FREE one hour consultation! Use the calendar below to find a time that works for you!
Or maybe you’re wondering about my approach? What kind of magic do I use in my approach to companioning?
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